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Fwd: FW: scam info

Subject:     FW: scam info
Sent:        3/12/19 6:43 PM
Received:    3/12/99 6:03 PM
From:        Carlton, Scott,

> FYI (Y2K is coming, and people are trying to make some money). 
> ----Thought this was interesting enough to pass on. 
> It is true.  I got a call from a man this weekend telling me he
> represented my 
> bank and that they were having difficulty meeting requirements to be 
> computer ready for Y2K. He said all bank customers would need to transfer
> their accounts to a bond account specially designed to protect our money
> until the bank could fully comply with Y2K requirements. He then said to
> verify 
> that he was talking to the proper account person I needed to confirm 
> information about myself, my account numbers and then give verbal
> authorization to transfer funds to this specially designed account. I
> don't trust 
> folks who do this kind of thing so I asked him which of the banks I use
> did 
> he represent. He was not able to do that and hung up at that 
> point.  
> Please pass this info to friends or family because this is a huge 
> scam that is going on all across the country. Some people would be 
> scared to think they would loose all their money (which he said was sure
> to 
> happen if I didn't do this now) and  would supply the information without 
> first checking this out. I notified the phone company of the call - since
> I have
> caller ID, I could give them a number but the identifier just said "out of
> area". It came from a 248 area code which is around Detroit.  Anyway, just
> passing this along so you'd be aware and beware. Have a good day. 
> Stacy E. Smith
> F-22 Reliability &
> System Safety Engineer
> ______________________________________________________ 
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William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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