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Bikini contest

Sam Scripter poses a interesting question about bikinis instead of
underwear. While I am not in favor of the Beach contest, I find it
interesting that some people are equating bikinis to pornogrpahy. I
guess those people probaly will refuse to use the new pool as everyone
(from 1 to 80) will be running around in (blush) bathing suits. Irony is
today I saw a letter sent to the area store managers from the Spokane
Family Values group protesting the recent Sports Illstrated swimsuit
issue and asking stores to remove them, as they will be exposed to
people who will be offended. While I agree that SI's issue is pretty
stupid (what does it have to do with sports?) I take issue with groups
who try to force their opinion on everyone else. Funny thing is there
are men fitness magazines out now that show strong, good looking men
posing without shirts. Lets hide or remove those to then. You can't tell
me that women would find them sexy and attractive. Strange how the
debate here in Moscow went from being whether people find topless women
offensive and sexual (are doctors and nurses quitting if they see
patients nude?) to whther bikinis are just as offending. Lets go back to
the days of the full-body swimsuit. Then everybody will be satsified,
okay?. .

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