Re: Bikinimania
- To: "Scott Dredge" <>, "Lois Melina" <>, "Moscow Vision 2020" <>
- Subject: Re: Bikinimania
- From: Ken Medlin <>
- Date: Wed, 10 Mar 99 12:27:45 -0700
- Resent-Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 12:23:38 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"zfpXCB.A.80F.rSt52">
- Resent-Sender:
> I find it odd that a simple bikini
>contest can create such an uproar.
Dear Scott, I think you really missed Lois's main point, which has to do
entirely, it sems to me, with the social and cultural values that tend to
distinguish or appreciate (depreciate) women as compared to men. This
issue is deeply embedded in European-American traditions affectng legal,
institutional and social treatment of both sexes. Anything our communties
do that reinforces the old stereotypes is not only demeaning but also
dysfuncitonal with regard to our community's realizing its full potential
and the potential of both women and men. Isn't it odd that the media
still want to perpetuate female values as ones that engender primarily
sexual responses and pursuits after monetary gains linked to those
responses, as compared to the real interests and contributions that women
can and do make to our overall well-being as a society? The power of the
purse wants to dictate how women will be portrayed to society, and
there's no ultimate fulfillment for women down that road. Isn't it really
time the male-dominated decision-making systems came to grips with this
and buried the libido complex? Think about it. What is the really
gut-felt or heart-felt purpose of a female-only, girl-only display of
their bodies to onlookers -- what are they looking at? What are they
supposed to see? How about what's behind the shell? Ken M.
William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843
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