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Bikini contest

Hello, my name is Shelley Roderick and I am new to this list today.  My
husband and I own CJ's.  I cannot help but hear all the frustration over The
Beach and the bikini contest to be held there this Friday.  I do believe Mr.
Tassler is trying his hand at the younger generation this weekend as the
college kids will be on spring break.  I also believe Mr. Tassler is trying to
bring the fast lane of Las Vegas to this little town of Moscow.  He will not
succeed.  We tried to offer the younger generation of Moscow a safe forum for
them to go and shoot pool.  This was called JR's as some of you might
remember.  Well, it failed.  The youth of Moscow do not need a bar or pool
hall.  The business owners of Moscow do not need to subject the youth to an
adult environment before their time.  They will get there plenty fast on their

And yes Mr. Tassler, I HAVE A LIFE, and am far from naive.  Remember, I come
from Los Angeles.  I will challenge your motives or business ethics any day.

Any person who would use a benefit event for their own prosperity is shameful.
Why not have your Mardi Gras party on the real day of Tuesday - March 2nd?
Why choose the day Moscow Mardi Gras, Inc. chooses?  So you can suck off of
the free advertising the radio station(s) give?  The free press the newspapers
give?  Need I go on?  All I can say is shame on you.  This is my opinion and I
am allowed. 

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