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Re: Gas Price decrease!!

So what it comes down to is that at least some of the Moscow stations are
charging only 10 cents a gallon more than the Lewiston stations.

Philosophical orientation comes into play here, I guess. Some people look
at the tank as half empty and some look at it as half full. Because gas
prices are down all across the country, and because they were about 10
cents a gallon more in Moscow than in Lewiston when we started discussing
the situation on Vision 2020, I don't think any of us should take a lot of
credit for what's happened.

But if you want to thank the dealers for not charging you 20 cents a
gallon more than the price in Lewiston, that would be a personal decision.
I myself am even more thankful that they don't charge 30 cents more.

Don H. Coombs

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