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Re: No subject given

>We were too late
Only  just returning from an out-of-state trip, I read now your eloquent 
piece on Elsbeth Bush and the community-created environment that 
triggered her tragic end. My only comment can be:  Community-core values 
that do not achieve their fulfillment as designs for living are stripped 
of their meanings when such terrible events occur. They occur because 
community education does not raise the level of caring to the point that 
the public can see the need to make the right commitments, allocate the 
right resources, see through the smoke screens of petty, special 
interests (whatever their characters, justifications, and ultimate goals) 
that deter the community from seeing its wholeness, its undivided stakes, 
its love for all its members. Our local media are thin and almost 
impotent indeed to sift through all the daily paraphernalia attaching to 
community affairs, and then raise to collective consciousness what is 
best for bonding, for enlightening, for improving, for ennobling us to 
exercise the wisdom that says, "charity never faileth." We are all here 
together. Thanks for your deeply felt and tenderly stated expressions of 
caring about the "whole" as well as for that "one" dear soul.  W. Ken 

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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