Re: vision2020-digest Digest V99 #36
- To: "Vision 2020" <>
- Subject: Re: vision2020-digest Digest V99 #36
- From: "KAREN E MARR" <>
- Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 20:02:10 -0800
- Resent-Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 19:05:05 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"zf062C.A.6IH.QPg22">
- Resent-Sender:
To Mr. Gill, Other visionaries,
Again, I would like to support this project but I do not feel it will do us
or them any good to give maximum dollars for minimum effort. My hope is not
to dump the project but to encourage focus and effort.
Our facts are the same, I just don't see much to show for three years work
or for $50K; Some of the businesses where cans have been left have not seen
person check back, ask any of the cops (and many of the spectators) who
participated in the B-Ball game what they thought of the event, and the
responses here in vision 2020 from others who would like to help but have
had little or no info on where and how.
Someone mentioned a lemonaid stand on the Chippman trail, GREAT! Low
Overhead, minimum manpower, and fills a need. Now lets see it operate a
regular schedule so people can count on it and be prepared with donations!
There are many good causes in Moscow to donate to, the people and businesses
with money to donate have to carefully weigh donation dollars against
benifit to the community. This skate park is for a limited number of users
so the benifit to the community has to be elsewhere, in community service.
The effort shown is a matter of oppinion. The only fact that really matters
is it has taken 3 years to get half-way when this community can easily raise
$50k for either a worthwhile cause or a less worthwhile cause supported by
genuine effort.
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