msocow public works committee agenda 3-1-99
- To: "\"Larry Hodge (E-mail)\" <Larry Hodge" <>, "\"Lori Courtright (E-mail)\" <Lori Courtright" <>, "\"Roger Blanchard (E-mail)\" <Roger Blanchard" <>, "\"Vision 2020 (E-mail)\" <Vision 2020" <>, "\"Gary Riedner (E-mail)\" <Gary Riedner" <>, "Linda Pall (E-mail)" <>
- To: "\"Marshall Comstock (E-mail)\" <Marshall Comstock" <>, "\"Pam Palmer (E-mail)\" <Pam Palmer" <>, "\"Peg Hamlett (E-mail)\" <Peg Hamlett" <>, "Steve Busch (E-mail)" <>, "\"Tom LeClaire (E-mail)\" <Tom LeClaire" <>, "Tony Johnson (E-mail)" <>
- Subject: msocow public works committee agenda 3-1-99
- From: Gib Myers <>
- Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 15:32:06 -0800
- Resent-Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 15:31:45 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"XSkDtB.A.qjB.M7y12">
- Resent-Sender:
Agenda for Monday, March 1, 1999 - 4:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers, 206 East Third, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of February 16 and 22, 1999.
2. Street Sweeper Bid - Mike McGahan
On January 27, 1999, bids were opened for one new 1999 four-wheel type regenerative air sweeper with dual steering and dual controls. The Street Department and shop mechanics recommend accepting Ben-ko-matic's bid of $108,966.00.
Council Agenda Item #1I
ACTION: Recommend acceptance of bid of $108,966 from Ben-ko-matic and authorization to purchase same.
3. Bergman Lot Division - Dale Pernula
Myrna Bergman wishes to develop the west half of property located at 1408 East F Street, which is north of the High School football field. The east half of the property will be retained by the current owner, Carol Bradford. Improvements that are required yet have not been installed, include curb, sidewalk and widening of the pavement to the curb. A development agreement covering these improvements is enclosed. Both lots meet the requirements of the zone in which they are located.
ACTION: Recommend rejection or approval of lot division; review the development agreement relative to improvements for the west lot.
Council Agenda Item #1F
4. Request by Tim Shawley to Waive Concrete Sidewalk to TR Video Site on State Highway 8 - Dale Pernula
Mr. Shawley made a similar request in December 1996 related to the installation of an espresso stand on the property, which was approved by the Council (minutes enclosed). He still intends to re-develop the property in the near future (see enclosed letter and site plan) but requests a temporary waiver of the concrete sidewalk.
Council Agenda Item #1H
ACTION: Recommend approval of temporary waiver of concrete sidewalk for the installation of the proposed espresso stand only.
5. Professional Services Contract for Skate Park Design - Roger Blanchard
Two responses were received from local firms in response to a request for letters of interest for supplying skate park design services. A selection committee chose to retain the services of JSL Engineering of Pullman. A contract has been negotiated with JSL in the amount of $8,435.00.
Council Agenda Item #6
ACTION: Recommend approval of contract and authorize Mayor's signature thereon, or take such other action deemed appropriate.
6. Bids for the Construction of the Hamilton-Lowe Aquatics Center - Randy Rice
Bids were opened February 24, 1999 for the construction of the aquatics center. The attached sheet shows the bids received for the base construction and the two add alternates. Several issues have arisen regarding the bids and staff are currently working with Ohlson-Lovoie and Northwest Architects, the City's consultants, to investigate the particulars of the bids. Council Agenda Item #5
ACTION: Recommend that Council declare a lowest responsive bidder and direct staff to prepare necessary contact documents and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon; or take such other action deemed appropriate.
7. White Avenue to Carmichael Road Pathway Highway Program - Gary Presol
A bike path has been proposed to be installed along the abandoned railway from Styner Avenue to Carmichael. On November 19, 1998, the Idaho Transportation Board approved the FY 1999-2003 Highway Program, and approved a request for funding of $225,000; with the State funding 80% and the City of Moscow funding 20%.
Council Agenda Item #8
ACTION: Recommend approval of funds and authorize payment.
Stormwater Control Ordinance - Gary Presol
Discussion - Council Workshop for Community Services Grants
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