moscow administrative committee agenda 3-1-99
- To: "\"Larry Hodge (E-mail)\" <Larry Hodge" <>, "\"Lori Courtright (E-mail)\" <Lori Courtright" <>, "\"Roger Blanchard (E-mail)\" <Roger Blanchard" <>, "\"Vision 2020 (E-mail)\" <Vision 2020" <>, "\"Gary Riedner (E-mail)\" <Gary Riedner" <>, "Linda Pall (E-mail)" <>
- To: "\"Marshall Comstock (E-mail)\" <Marshall Comstock" <>, "\"Pam Palmer (E-mail)\" <Pam Palmer" <>, "\"Peg Hamlett (E-mail)\" <Peg Hamlett" <>, "Steve Busch (E-mail)" <>, "\"Tom LeClaire (E-mail)\" <Tom LeClaire" <>, "Tony Johnson (E-mail)" <>
- Subject: moscow administrative committee agenda 3-1-99
- From: Gib Myers <>
- Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 15:29:58 -0800
- Resent-Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 15:31:38 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"tLRPUD.A.jiB.E7y12">
- Resent-Sender:
Agenda for Monday, March 1, 1999 - 7:30 a.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of February 22, 1999
2. Approval of MPD Bicycle and Vehicle Auction for April 3, 1999 - Jackie Lovell
The Moscow Police Department would like the enclosed list of found bicycles and unclaimed and surplus items auctioned April 3, 1999, at the Latah County Fair Building.
Council Agenda Item 1C
ACTION: Recommendation to declare items as surplus and approve the auctioning of found bicycles, unclaimed and surplus items as indicated on the attached list from the Moscow Police Department.
3. Arts Education Grant Application - Mary Blyth
The Moscow Arts Commission, in collaboration with the University of Idaho Art Education Department and the Moscow School District, is applying for a grant the purpose of which is the advancement of the arts for the community of Moscow, the creation of conditions where the arts can develop and expand, and where the community can experience and appreciate an arts environment. The grant will provide elementary teachers in the Moscow School District with regular art in-service workshops.
Council Agenda Item 1G
ACTION: Recommend approval of the Arts Education Grant Application and authorization for Mayor's signature thereon.
4. Contract Renewal for Solid Waste Export Services - Gary J. Riedner
The City's contract with Waste Management of Washington, Inc. requires that written notification be provided to Waste Management not less than 120 days prior to the start of the period for which contract renewal is desired. A letter stating the City's intent to renew the contract for the period from October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2003 has been prepared for issuance.
Council Agenda Item 1K
ACTION: Recommend authorization for staff to issue renewal notification letter to Waste Management of Washington, Inc.
5. TEA-21 Enhancement Projects - Gray Presol
The Idaho Transportation Department is soliciting project requests for funds pursuant to the federal Transportation Equity Act For The 21st Century (TEA-21) These funds are available in FY 2002 (October 1, 2001 - September 30, 2002) for projects for "transportation enhancement activities" enumerated in the attached materials. Staff has identified several projects as candidates for this funding. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee February 22, 1999.
Council Agenda Item #7
ACTION: Recommend approval of TEA-21 Enhancement Program proposal for selected project(s) and direct staff to prepare application for submittal to ITD; or take such other action deemed appropriate.
Adopt-A-Street Program - Mike McGahan
Retail Use of Public Right-of-Way in Central Business District
Vendors on Trail Right-of-Way - Randy Rice
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