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Skaters and skater friends

Skater Music Extravaganza
Moscow Community Center
Sat. Feb 27 6:30pm
The Punk Alternative to the Jazz Festival

    The Moscow Skaters Association will be hosting a punk rock
>concert at the Moscow Community Center. Featured artists for the 
>include Jimmy Flame and the SexXy Boys along with locals, Full Monte. 
>on the bill for Saturday February 27th are the Rummies, from Lewiston,
>Trampoline Girl of Spokane, and the Genetics. Admission for the show is 
>with all proceeds to benefit the skate park to be built in Moscow. The 
>is open to all ages with the doors opening at 6:30pm. For more 
information, or
>to help chaperone, feel free to contact Monte McCully at 
>end                               end                           end
>    Bands:   James Thomas    (208)-882-0304    email:
>    MSA:     Monte McCully    (208)-883-3124

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