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Skate Park; Lets see some effort

This is an old subject, let's jumpstart it!

I would like to support the kids in their efforts to build a skate-park, except they have not made any effort. There are cans throughout the community for people to donate, as I understand an adult has to collect the money.

The note with the cans says the kids have nothing to do and if we don’t want the downtown vandalized we should cure their boredom with a skate park. Kids it’s your job to be bored. It is also your job to take that boredom and turn it into something constructive, find something to learn, to help your community, even to help build a skate park. It is not the community’s role to do it for you, we are not charged with entertaining you. Many people in Moscow windsurf, perhaps we should enlarge Hordeman’s pond for them, build a climbing wall for the climbers, purchase and run North-South for the skiers etc. Either find an activity you can do here without offending others or work to build it. Recognize this is not for the public good, it is for your good and no one owes it to you.

I would be happy to participate in a car wash, auction, or other fundraiser. I would be more inclined to make a donation if I saw you cleaning the parks, helping the homebound, clearing snow around town, helping young kids to read etc. Instead I feel like you have tried to blackmail this community with "build it or else". Clearly others have not been impressed. This community when approached with respect and a desire to work has the ability to raise the funds you are asking for. Your parents and others who support the city through taxes and donations work hard for their money, lets see you show you are willing to do more than place a few cans and hope someone throws money into them.

Specific suggestions:     Get together and organized

                                    Remove the cans for a while

                                    Show the community a benefit, do something positive

                                    Keep it up then put out another call for donations, and be humble rather than


Otherwise:                     If your not willing to put in the effort, at least find something positive to do with

the funds already donated.

                                    Learn to live in a town without a skate-park ( and with more activities, clubs,

learning opportunities, and nearby resources than most)


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