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moscow administrative committee agenda 2-22-99


Agenda for Monday, February 22, 1999 - 7:30 a.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1.	Approval of Minutes of February 16, 1999

2.	Arbor Day Grant - Roger Blanchard
The Idaho Department of Lands Arbor Day Grant Program is available through a lottery drawing.  Grants are paid to cities on a reimbursement basis with the requirement that cities pay a local match of $52.50.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee February 22, 1999.

ACTION:  Recommend granting Parks and Recreation Department authorization to apply for this grant under the Mayor's signature.

3.	P&Z Recommendations Regarding Amendments to the Zoning Code  - Dale Pernula
A.	Flood Hazard Reduction 
The proposal is to require the lowest floor of residential structures to be elevated at least two feet above the base flood elevation; for a non-residential construction to be either elevated two feet above the base flood elevation or to be floodproof to a point two feet above the base flood elevation.
B.	Reduction in the Minimum Side Yard Requirement for Detached Accessory Buildings in the AF Zone to Ten Feet

ACTION:  Receive and review recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission on these proposed code amendments.

4.	Community Policing Grant Application - Dan Weaver
Tom Partington has been employed as a crime prevention specialist emphasizing community oriented policing.  The program has been financed in the past by a U.S. Department of Justice School-Based Partnership Grant which began in October, 1998.  The current proposal is to continue the position with financing from the State of Idaho Juvenile Justice Commission.  The grant would allow the position to be financed through fiscal 1999-2000.  Because of the short timeframe for the application, the grant has been submitted.  

ACTION:  Recommend approval of grant application and program.


3/1/99  Adopt a Street Program
3/1/99	Approval of MPD Bicycle and Vehicle Auction for April 3, 1999 - Jackie Lovell

Retail Use of Public Right-of-Way in Central Business District
Vendors on Trail Right-of-Way - Randy Rice

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