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Kitchen Survey report

The YWCA of WSU has developed a Community-Commercial Kitchen survey for
distribution in the Moscow-Pullman/ Lewiston-Clarkston area of North Idaho
and Eastern Washington. The purpose of the survey is to determine user
interest in and site availability for the development of a
Community-Commercial Kitchen network in this area. The survey is being
sent out with the aid of the WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture &
Natural Resources, PCEI, and Greystone Foundation-Koppel Farm.

Establishement of a Community-Commercial Kitchen network could help secure
a stronger relationship among local growers, area institutions, civic
groups, churches and value-added micro-enterprise development. 

The survey results will be tallied by early April. Those who wish to
participate in the survey should contact the YWCA of WSU--720 NE Thatuna, 
Pullman, WA 99163. 509-335-3916.

On Thursday, April 22, 1999, the YWCA has scheduled a Community-Commercial
Kitchen public meeting. It will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the
Cougar Depot in Pullman. This meeting will focus on the results of the
survey and help determine the next step in developing creation of the
Kitchen Network. We invite members of the INWCFS Taskforce, extension
agents, growers, individuals interested in micro-enterprise development
related to local food production and others interested in Community Food
Security to attend this meeting.

Liza Rognas, Director


* Racial Justice Committee * Food Security 
* Week Without Violence--Clothesline Project * 
"We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes." --Ella Baker

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