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Toll Roads

Making Hwy 95 into a toll road is a great idea. I'll bet Ayn Rand would
have approved. Even better, as suggested, is making just parts of it into
a toll road. (More stops, more tolls.)

Until we can get the toll stations built, what about plan B: If (I'm
sorry, when) there is an accident on the highway, it will cost people $10
to drive past. Toss the money in the window of the state patrol car and

Because you won't be sure in advance whether there will be one (or more)
accidents, this plan has an element of something much beloved in Idaho:
the lottery. It's too bad that it will be sort of a negative lottery, but
at the same time there is a lot of entertainment to be had at accidents,
judging from the way other drivers already behave when allowed to pass.

Don Coombs

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