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Using Olde Hoche Schole Bldg (!)

At tonight's open house for the 1912 High School Building, the citizens'
use committee asked people to give their opinions about potential uses of
the building.  Specifically, the survey form asked, "Please list the use or
uses that you would like to see incorporated into the 1912 High School
Building."  As last night's DN article described, there will be two more
public meetings, each with a more focused objective for getting public

To give the committee your ideas, post either to the listserve, or to Tom
Hudson at <>. 

The citizens' committee will also be seeking opinions at the malls and at
meetings of local organizations.

I like Ken Medlin's suggestion about thinking first in terms of top
priority community goals, and second in terms of the uses that derive from
these goals.  (I'll bet that would make the committee's job easier as

--Priscilla Salant

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