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Gas Who?

Dear Neighbors-Visionaires:  We do not want to beat a dead horse (even if 
we had one), but one Visionary, whose name I failed to jot down, suggests 
that if all those who truly feel deeply about the Moscow-Pullman gas 
price issue, were to write letters to our local retail operators 
encouraging them to take a stand against their distributors and to demand 
market-price delivery costs, it might just bring about some sanity and 
fairness here.  One retailer finally told me it costs him  0.94/gal. to 
pour gas in his tanks -- that's outrageously high, even after calculating 
Fed and State taxes, etc. Someone might check that price with the State 
"Weights and Measures" Dept. -- it ought to be open information. The gas 
retailers are in the Yellow Pages, and if everyone mailed 5-6 letters 
(not quite $2 in stamps), a consumer victory might be the outcome. I'd 
bet that Ben Franklin would favor it!  Penny saved, penny earned. My wife 
saves coppers in a jar -- amazing how quickly she gets $20 worth. A pair 
of kid's shoes.  I'm willing to put my name on it, after all what have we 
to lose --  could it get worse? How about a collective letter to the 
Daily News? For your info. I've counted over 50 email messages since Jan. 
1 supporting this inquiry. So, Onward brave hearts and noble 
knights/knightesses, let not victory escape thy hands. What say ye? Maybe 
The Bench would choose us for the Grand Jury -- it seems not hard to do 
these days!  Who's ready to sign a letter drafted (by a skillful writer) 
to Editor Hoover? Unless you haven't noticed, Vera White is much on our 
side!  Yours truly will be glad to help.Yo!

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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