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Re: gas prices: fight!

Robert Hoffmann wrote:

> As someone pointed out in the past, gas prices
> here are determined by the "free market" system.  Unless you can prove that
> the gas station owners met and specifically agreed to price levels, there
> is no price fixing, and nothing illegal.

That's where the AG's last investigation ended.  No "smoking gun".

I heard a rumor a number of years ago, just after the U-Haul place
opened and was selling gas 10 cents per gallon cheaper than anywhere
else in town.  The owner supposedly was told that if he didn't fall in
line with local gas prices, he'd find it hard doing business in town.
The price went up.  Rumors aren't admissible in court, however.
Ron Force
Dean of Library Services			(208) 885-6534
University of Idaho				Moscow 83844-2350

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