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Re: Moscow P&Z Commission

At 12:42 PM 12/30/1998 -0800, you wrote:
>Who do you talk to about such positions and that there are even
>positions available?  Is there a web site?


Check out the city's web page at and
click on "Call for Board and Commission Applicants".  The web page is a bit
sketchy -- here's some stuff I sent to someone else who expressed some

>The name of the commission implies its duties: planning and zoning.  
>Planning at the most genaric level means that the commission is 
>charged with writing and updating the Moscow comprehensive plan.  
>This is a general statement of direction and goals for the city.  
>By law, many other decisions must be consistent with the comprehensive 
>plan.  Revision becomes an almost continuous process, although we 
>are now approaching the conclusion of a major revision of the plan.  
>The comprehensive plan, after changes are initiated by the P&Z 
>commission, must also be approved by the city council (and parts 
>dealing with the area of city impact must be approved by the 
>county commission).

>Also at the generic planning level, the commission writes and 
>updates ordinances, such as the zoning ordinance, the sign ordinance 
>and the subdivision ordinance, which specify what can happen on 
>the land, where, and how.

>The zoning function is more specific.  We must recommend approval 
>or denial of applications for zone change, annexations, planned 
>unit developments, designated "special uses" of parcels, changes 
>in comp plan designations for use of particular parcels, etc.

>All in all, a very interesting process, moderately time consuming, 
>usually fun, sometimes very difficult.

As it indicates on the web page, the contacts are Mayor Comstock or Gary
Riedner at City Hall.  Get back to me if you have further questions.

Joel Hamilton
Member Moscow P&Z Commission

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