RE: impeachment
You are certainly correct in stating that the Republicans are just as fallen
as the Democrats. I believe we can all agree on that point.
My question for President Clinton's supporters (or shall we say impeachment
detractors) has to do with the role of the President. What does it mean to,
"..defend the constitution.." if not to support the very justice system that
guarantees our freedoms?
"..tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth," are specific
words with specific meaning. If these words become meaningless, then so
does our justice system. That is why it is a felony to take that oath and
then violate it.
Politics aside, how do the impeachment detractors explain this?
Feeling very out of touch with the 70% that approve,
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott_Dredge@BayNetworks.COM [mailto:Scott_Dredge@BayNetworks.COM]
Sent: Monday, December 28, 1998 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: impeachment
I couldn't agree more that the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton had
absolutely nothing to do with sex. The impeachment was firmly based on
power, politics, and partisanship. The Republicans had a slim majority in
the House of Representatives and that was all the power they needed to
trump up charges against a President of an opposing party and hasten a lame
duck party line impeachment vote before their ranks decreased even further
in the new Congress. It's no surprise to me that prior to 1994 the
Republicans had not controlled both houses of Congress as they have quickly
proven that they are irresponsible and reckless in wielding this power by
focussing it on a presidential impeachment instead of on a domestic agenda.
By the way, doesn't every outgoing generation lament that we're all going
to hell in a handbasket because the incoming generation doesn't know right
from wrong and you can tell this by their music (if you can call it music)?
At 04:54 PM 12/26/98 -0800, Stewart Schell wrote:
-- Snip --
The paper today (liberal, of course) states that both defendants and
accusers agree to all of the impeachable offenses. This case has really
affected my life as it appears that our current generation (middle-aged
hippies?) do not know right from wrong. Unfortunately it has absolutely
nothing to do with sex. After our country is flushed down the toilet from
the follies of the Clintons maybe they will understand, but I doubt it.
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