RE: Collective unconscious in the 105th Congress
I know what you're saying, but I think Sowell's not talking about a
conventional definition of evil. I agree, liberals don't believe in
the reality of Evil.
They believe any and all ideas proposed by the Right are evil. We're
a threat to their existence, so they'll do anything to stop us. They
can't fight ideas on their merits, so they have to try to make the
public believe those who propose the ideas are baaaaaaaaad.
At least I think that's what Sowell meant. B.
Steve Cooke <> wrote:
> Briana,
> Do good liberals believe in evil? I think they believe in the
"failure of
> the environment" as in nature v. nurture effects.
> My guess is good conservatives are more likely to believe in pure
> from a religious/biblical perspective. For them environments don't
> individuals do, by giving in to their evil twins.
> Steve Cooke
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