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Re: vision2020-digest Digest V98 #235

>We already had permission  from the Security Council this
>Fall to bomb for non-cooperation or compliance.  

Permission last Fall is not the same as permission in the middle of December.
Are you aware the we've pissed off both Russia and China?  That France hasn't
offered an opinion on this attack yet?  That Russia recalled their ambassador
to the US?  That, of the five permanent members of the Security Council, ONLY
one has come out in support of the US - our "little buddy" Britain.

I doubt anyone, except possibly Clinton, seriously believes that bombing Iraq
is going to do anything about the impeachment process.  The Republicans who've
spoken out are true, die-hard Republicans who would criticize Clinton for ANY
little thing.  The thing that causes many of us concern is the fact that
nothing is really different than the last time we didn't bomb Iraq - except
the impeachment process.  There is likely no American interest at stake which
wasn't at stake the last time Iraq gave us headaches.

However, our President is currently suffering at home, and it's natural that
some country like Iraq would try and use that against us.  If anything, this
bombing, with the resulting death of innocents, is Clinton's fault.  Were it
not for the impeachment process we would have had the same posturing and
threatening as we've had previously.  Saddam would finally give in and we
would wait for the next problem.  However, Clinton probably must, for
political reasons, show that the US is still strong even during this
impeachment crisis.  True, Cohen put his 30 years of service on the line
backing this attack - but he could have made the same statement back in the
Fall when we didn't bomb Iraq.  The situation does call for an attack, and it
has for a long time.  The timing doesn't call for an attack.  (Unless Iraq
developed a nuclear bomb, or a delivery vehicle capable of reaching the US, on
Tuesday - there was no imperative need to bomb him on Wednesday.)

>I am against impeachment.  Not because Clinton doesn't deserve it;  but 
>because President Gore scares me more than what we have now....

That's a good example of the kind of non-Constitutional reasoning that is
causing all kinds of turmoil in the US.  My favorite example of lunacy -
Clinton shouldn't be impeached because he's done so much "good" as President.
(Talk about a Democratic argument...)

You impeach Clinton if you believe he committed a "high crime or misdemeanor."
You don't vote for impeachment because you are a Republican, or against
because you are a Democrat.  You don't vote for impeachment because you hate
Clinton, or against because you fear a President Gore.

E. O'Daniel

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