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Re: latah county commission reconsideration

>> >As of now, as I understand it, the county is obligated to support and
>> >defend this decision.  Thus, it would be expensive (legal fees for both
>> >private attorneys and county attorneys) and bizarre for the new
>> >commission to be forced to defend that decision by the former
>> >commission.

Dear Vision 2020

This whole problem just reiterates the need to have the body of the
commissioners larger. There needs to be at least 5 commissioners, so that
things of this nature; two buddies getting together to do what they want as
they leave office, does not happen. I am sure the county has become large
enough for it to support 5 members. The 5 members could be paid less and
they could do a little less work, so that a manager might not be needed for
several more years. Or possibly a part time manager?

I am certainly in favor of modifying the county government, but a little at
a time. Not the proposal we were handed at the last election.

Mayme Trumble

Cowboy Wisdom:
Don't worry about bitin' off more'n you can chew;
your mouth is probably a whole lot bigger'n you

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