Re: Idaho wildlife management
While reading all this about bear hunting, two things come to mind. 1)
Taxation WITH representation ain't all that hot either, and a remark by
Will Rogers " It's a good thing that we don't get all the government that
we pay for".
Sam Duncan
> From: bill london <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Idaho wildlife management
> Date: Sunday, December 06, 1998 8:36 AM
> Here's an early warning about Idaho legislation that will surface this
> year. While I assume the choice will be difficult, this proposal is
> already earning my award for dumbest idea of the year.
> Don Clower (who directed the campaign against the bear protection
> inititative in 1996) has borrowed an idea from Utah. In Utah, at the
> November election, the voters passed Proposition 5, which was sponsored
> by various hunting groups to stop public input on wildlife regulation.
> Because of the passage of that proposition, any public initiative
> related to hunting or wildlife would have to pass by a 2/3 majority.
> That proposition effectively eliminates direct public involvement in the
> protection of the public's wildlife.
> Clower wants to duplicate that proposition in Idaho. He wants to change
> the Idaho Constitution to read that any initiative dealing with wildlife
> must pass by a 2/3 majority.
> This blatantly-undemocratic idea that the majority doesn't rule is
> especially disgusting when coupled with the Idaho Fish & Game
> Commission's proposal that every taxpayer (not just hunters and anglers)
> should help pay for wildlife management now. So we will have to pay for
> the management of our wildlife, but we will be denied effective say in
> that management.
> BL
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