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Re: People's Republic of Idaho?

Define "search"

I believe, but I could be wrong, that very few personal searches are done
in schools by administrators.  In most cases, administrators will call in
the law and provide "probable cause" that might result in a search.  In
most cases, questioning by administrators, usually with witnesses, results
in making a personal search not needed.
Searching of lockers is okay because the lockers belong to the school. 
Students cannot protest a locker search, and they are done routinely in
many schools.  Dogs brought in to "sniff" lockers appears to me to be
perfectly legal.  Remember that the laws regarding possession of a weapon,
alcohol, and drugs on school grounds are more prevalent, stricter, and more
routinely enforced than such laws that apply to non school grounds.  For
example, a student who went hunting before classes started, drove to school
and parked on school grounds with his rifle in his pickup was arrested and
charged with bringing a weapon on school grounds.

John and Laurie Danahy

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