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moscow city council agenda 11-16-98


November 16, 1998		7:30 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers - 2nd Floor, 206 East Third Street

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

	A.	Approval of Minutes of November 2, 1998

B.	Approval of Accounts Payable for October 1998  - Jim Wallace 
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of October, 1998 and recommends approval of the following:
General	464,960.96
Parks & Recreation	3,118,361.80
HUD Reserve	450.00
Arts	3,407.47
Street	69,686.90
911	              6,743.92
Water & Sewer	259,997.35
Sanitation	173,112.24
Parking	2,797.23
LID Bond & Interest	15,768.75
TOTALS	4,115,286.62

2.	Amendment of Open Container Ordinance - Randy Fife
This amendment is intended to update language regarding on-premise consumption and make such consumption a defense as well as to simplify language referring to public places.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee October 29, 1998.

ACTION:  Approve Ordinance and authorize Mayor's signature under suspension of the rules requiring three full and complete readings, and read the Ordinance by title only; or take such other action as the Council deems necessary.

3.	Curbside Recycling Franchise Ordinance - Gary J. Riedner
On October 5, 1998, the Council adopted the attached ordinance on the first reading and directed staff to bring it back at the special November meeting.  This is in accord with Idaho Code Section 50-329 which states that franchise ordinances may not be passed within thirty days from the date of introduction.  If the franchise ordinance is passed, it will be presented to Latah Sanitation, Inc. for acceptance in accordance with its terms.

ACTION:  Consider ordinance on second reading, or adopt ordinance under suspension of  rules requiring three complete and separate readings and read the ordinance by title only.  If ordinance is approved under suspension of the rules, send franchise to Latah Sanitation for acceptance.

4.	Agreement with Humane Society for Operation of Animal Shelter - Dan Weaver
The Humane Society of the Palouse has been operating our animal shelter building pursuant to a Personal Services Agreement which expires at the end of September.  A new agreement has been drafted by our legal department adjusting the yearly fee and the length of the agreement.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance September 21, 1998.

ACTION:  Approve the Agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.

5.	Agreement with Latah County for Animal Shelter Services - Dan Weaver
The Latah County Sheriff has requested to use our animal shelter to house dogs impounded by deputies.  A Personal Services Agreement has been drafted by our legal department outlining a $500 payment per year for this service.  This Agreement has been approved by the Latah County Commissioners.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance September 21, 1998.

ACTION:  Approve Agreement and authorize Mayor's signature on same.

6.	Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Presentation - Gary Presol
Jim Kimball will make a presentation to the Council as a whole regarding the potential affects of the EPA requirements in the Draft Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge Permit.  The presentation has previously been made to the Public Works/Finance Committee.  

ACTION:  Accept report and make recommendations for presentation to the Environmental Protection Agency at the November 17, 1998, 7:30 p.m. public hearing regarding comments on the City's Draft NPDES Discharge Permit; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

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