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Re: optional form of Co. govt.

At 09:19 AM 10/28/98 -0800, you wrote:
>The State's Open Meetings law prohibits any two of the 
>Commissioners from talking to each other since it would constitute a 
>majority (supermajority of the members).

Anyone care to quote from the State's Open Meetings law?  My familiarity
with such laws is that illegal actions are only those which have the effect
of official action--such as the passing of a resolution.  If two
commissioners would go to a ball game together, that would not be a
violation.  If two commissioners would go to a ball game together and
officially decide to award a contract for paving streets, that would be
official action, and be illegal under State Open Meetings laws.  Of course,
Idaho law may be more restrictive than this, which is why I am asking for

Otherwise, Steve, thank you for your excellent discussion of the optional
form of county government issue.

Robert Hoffmann                      115 N. Jackson St., Suite D
Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA            Phone: (208) 883-0642
	             Fax:   (208) 883-8545

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