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Memorial Service for Matthew Shepard in Pullman

October 19, 1998

Pullmanıs UCC to Hold Memorial Service for Matthew Shepard

	Pullmanıs Community Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) will 
hold a memorial service for slain University of Wyoming student Matthew 
Shepard on Thursday, October 22, at 7 p.m. The church is located at 525 
NE Campus Ave.

	Rev. Kristine Zakarison will preside at the memorial service.

	³As a Christian pastor, I cannot stand by silently and watch hateful 
actions and rhetoric pass as Œthe Christian responseı to Œthe gay and 
lesbian issue,ı² Zakarison said. ³The faith that I hold dear, to which I 
have been called as a minister, is one that is, above all, about a 
radical love and acceptance for others. It is a love that especially 
reaches out to those who have been forced to the margins of society.

	³I urge Christian pastors and religious leaders around our country to 
actively extend a ministry of love and acceptance to our gay and lesbian 
brothers and sisters, even when we fear backlash within our own faith 
communities. We cannot be silent any longer. It is hurting us. It is 
killing others.²

 	For more information contact Rev. Zakarison at (509)332-6411.

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