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Paper Tiger software


Can you find information on the Internet faster than in your own office?  Do you waste precious time shuffling through 
papers?  Do you lose files?  Is your desk a mess?

Would you like to be able to find ANYTHING in your office in less than 5 seconds...GUARANTEED?

The computer has given everyone the capability to generate more information than ever, and managing it is increasingly 
complex.  Ironically, the one thing in the office that technology has not changed is how we file and retrieve paper, until 

The Paper Tiger is powerful software combined with a proven system for filing and retrieving paper (also works great for CDs, 
diskettes, videos, really anything).  The software allows you to find information in your office or home FAST!

                       *** TRY IT FREE FOR 30 DAYS! ***

In development for over two years, The Paper Tiger software is designed to help you be more effective.  Many of our users say 
it has revolutionized the way they work and greatly increased their productivity...especially consultants - anyone who their 
information is vital to their success.  It is simple to use and understand.  Unlike other systems, The Paper Tiger software 
solves your organizational problems by eliminating complexity.  It really works!

If you have ever spent time rummaging through stacks looking for that one piece of paper you need for an upcoming meeting, or 
actually filed something only to forget which word you wrote on the file folder tab - or just need a better way to keep up 
with the mountain of paper hitting your desk - this software is for you.

                       *** FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED! ***

Why not see for yourself - FREE!  Simply fill out the form below and return this letter to us via fax at 404-636-7677 or mail 
it to the address below.  You pay only the $8.95 shipping & handling charge.  We will rush you everything you need to solve 
your paper problems once and for all.  Use the product for 30 days absolutely free.

After that time, if you decide you don't want to part with it, we will bill your credit card the remaining $79.95 plus 
applicable state tax.  However, if you should decide that it's not everything you thought it would be, simply return it and 
pay nothing, owe nothing.


The Paper Tiger can be used by:

Professional Speakers, Executives, Writers, Engineers, Secretaries, Teachers, Clergy, Small Business Owners, Individuals At 
Home, really anyone who wants a better way to file and retrieve information!


Current users include: Coca-Cola, Coopers & Lybrand, Special Olympics, Center For Disease Control, University of Illinois, 
and many others.  Small companies, large companies, government, individuals, and non-profit can use the software.  It really 


If you have any further questions or to place an order by phone, please do not hesitate to call us at:


Business Hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Eastern Time).

To order by Fax or Postal Mail, simply print out the ORDER FORM below and 
fax or mail it to our office today.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover card. 

-----------------------------ORDER FORM------------------------------------

Monticello - Voice telephone:   404-636-7701
Business Hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

Use reference code: CONSULT1

Complete this form and follow the fax instructions at the bottom.
All orders are sent US Postal Service or Global Priority mail outside of the US. 

_____Yes!  Please send me The Paper Tiger software on a FREE 30-day trial.  I understand that I will pay $8.95 shipping & 
handling and have 30 days to review the product.  At the end of the 30-day trial, I can either keep the software and be 
charged $79.95 U.S. Dollars (plus applicable sales tax) or return the product and owe nothing further.  I must be totally 


COMPANY NAME__________________________________________



CITY_________________________ STATE(province)_________

ZIP(postal code)_____________ COUNTRY_________________

PHONE NUMBER(S)_______________________________________

FAX NUMBER____________________________________________

E-MAIL ADDRESS________________________________________


NAME AS IT APPEARS ON THE CARD_____________________________________

CREDIT CARD #________________________________ EXP DATE_____________


                     *** 24 HOUR ORDERING BY FAX *** 



3. FAX TO 1-404-636-7677 (24 hours, 7 days a week)


To order by mail, send this form completely filled out to:

The Monticello Corporation
4060 Peachtree Road
Suite D-339
Atlanta, GA  30319-3006

404-636-7701 Voice
404-636-7677 Fax


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