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Curbside Recycling

I was dismayed to read in last night's paper that the City Council has
approved curbside recycling. This is a travesty. I guarantee it will result
in unsightly clutter and a permanent eyesore throughout the city. Believe
me, I have seen it happen in some of the most beautiful cities, such as
Pasadena and Santa Barbara. Ugly recycling bins will be an everlasting scar
on the landscape. People will put them out early, take them in late, if at
all. Dogs will pilfer them and scatter trash. Is this what we want for
Moscow? This is an ill-advised move, and I urge the Council to reconsider
their unfortunate decision. In my opinion the recycling center works just
fine and is a model facility. Why pollute the landscape when it's not
necessary? The expense is not necessary either. Rather than adding ugliness
to the environment, I recommend that the Council focus on beautifying it by
paying attention to zoning ordinances, unsightly recreational vehicle
parking, entrances to the city, lamentable blue behemoth garbage bins in
plain sight, abandoned vehicles, and hideous overhead power lines.

Tim Hillebrand

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