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Moscow Community Retreat: keeping the spirit alive

The copies of the Moscow Community Retreat report have been printed--and 
most were distributed at the community celebration on September 22. 

If you wish to read the report of the discussions by the 200 Moscow 
residents who attended the retreat in June, there are copies available  
for reading at the library.  Or you can read the report online.  The 
Internet address is: <>.

Several of the recommendations by the citizen groups have already turned 
into reality: a new recreation job at the city parks department, a city 
web page, a downtown revitalization process, and  beginnings of a 
revival of the Heart of the Arts.

There are lots of other great ideas in that document.  Let's not let 
those ideas--or the spirit of democratic involvement that spawned 
them--disappear.  If you have ideas for implementing or supporting those 
report suggestions, please share them with Moscow Vision 2020.

Please consider the option mentioned in the report: the statement of 
commitment.  Begin by reading the report.  If you find an idea there 
that you want to support, focus you work on that goal.  Announce your 
support for that goal in a public manner, like with a letter to the 
Moscow Vision 2020 list and/or a newspaper.  Share the report--and your 
enthusiasm--with your friends, and any church or social group that you 
belong to.  Encourage others to support that goal, and encourage the 
group to announce its commitment to that goal.  Then work to make that 
goal a reality.

The Community Retreat was just the beginning.

Bill London


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