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Fwd: BOCC Proceedings

>From Tue Sep  8 10:56:55 1998
>Received: from brad ( []) by (8.8.7/8.7.3) with SMTP id IAA27257; Tue, 8 Sep 1998 
08:41:37 -0700 (PDT)
>Priority: Normal
>To: Bill London <>,
>        Carol in Planning & Building <>,
>        Louise Barber <>,
>        sally fredericks <>,
>        Tom Trail <>, "W." Robb Parish 
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>From: Board of Commissioners <>
>Subject: BOCC Proceedings
>Date: Fri, 04 Sep 98 14:35:36 PDT
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; X-MAPIextension=".TXT"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>	Week of August 31, 1998
>Commissioners Harry DeWitt, Thomas L. Spangler and Loreca J. 
>Stauber met in regular session.  The following actions were taken:
>Signed and Filed Commissioners' Proceedings for the Week of August 
>24, 1998.
>Motion and Order to amend the agreement for professional services 
>between Ruen-Yeager Associates, Inc. and Latah County in the 
>amount of $1,450.00 and effect contract change order #8 (Latah 
>County Flood Mitigation Project) in the amount of $16,600.00.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for cancellation of taxes on parcel 
>number SP B061, defunct business.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for cancellation of taxes on parcel 
>number MH 38N 01W 06 9101A, moved out of state. 
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for cancellation of taxes on parcel 
>number PP S188T, business closed and bankruptcy filed.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for solid waste fee adjustment on 
>parcel number MH 39N 05W 04 6183A, mobile home is non-liveable.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for solid waste fee adjustment on 
>parcel number RP 0166 00 0901 1AA, mobile home is non-liveable.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for solid waste fee adjustment on 
>parcel number MH 38N 01W 06 9101A, mobile home repossessed by 
>Filed resignation of Jennie A. Grubb, Tracker.  Table of Organization 
>Youth Services Juvenile Correction Block Grant Department 08B, Line 
>04.  Effective August 25, 1998.
>Approved, Signed and Filed successful completion of 15 year 
>increment and subsequent request for pay increase for Pat Sturman, 
>part-time regular Switchboard Operator.  Table of Organization Board of 
>County Commissioners Department 05A, Line 04.  Effective September 
>8, 1998.
>Week of August 31, 1998
>Page 2
>Approved, Signed and Filed request to surplus items from Disaster 
>Services.  One Kopy Aid stand-alone paper holder, no serial number, 
>$1.00 value and one Bates Electric 56 stapler, no serial number, $7.00 
>Approved, Signed and Filed request to transfer surplus equipment from 
>Sheriff's Office to Bovill Fire District.  Two Code III light bars, 
>numbers 17611 and 39457; two Heath Kit siren boxes, no serial 
>numbers; two Galls switch boxes, no serial numbers; and two spot 
>lights, no serial numbers.
>Motion and Order to authorize the Chair's signature on Office Depot 
>Customer Profile with the intent of utilizing Office Depot as a Latah 
>County vendor.
>Approved, Signed and Filed Resolution Number 98-11 - Record 
>Destruction Order for records located in room 109 of Assessor's office.
>Filed Notice of Appeal before the Idaho Board of Tax Appeals from 
>Bennett Lumber Productions.
>Having held a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on September 1, 1998 for 
>Comprehensive Plan Amendment #574 request by William Jones, Jr.,to 
>change a parcel designation from rural to Residential, 
>Commericial/Industrial a motion and order was passed to approve CPA 
>#574.  Minutes and tape on file in Auditor's office
>Having held a public hearing at 10:30 a.m. on September 1, 1998 for 
>Rezone #575 request by William Jones Jr. to rezone a parcel from 
>Agriculture/Forest to Highway Business, a motion and order was 
>passed to approve RZ #575.  Minutes and tape on file in Auditor's 
>Convened in Executive Session at 9:55 a.m. on September 1, 1998, to 
>discuss litigation, pursuant to Idaho Code Sec. 67-2345 (1)(f); 
>adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
>Convened in Executive Session at 9:05 a.m. on September 2, 1998, to 
>discuss records that are exempt from public inspection, indigent cases, 
>pursuant to Idaho Code Sec. 67-2345 (1)(d); adjourned at 10:00 a.m.; 
>seven (7) cases approved and four (4) cases denied.
>Motion and order to amend the motion and order of August 24, 1998 
>and adopt the optional forms of county government ballot as 
>recommended by the Prosecuting Attorney in legal memo 98-118.
>Week of August 31, 1998
>Page 3
>All documents are available for inspection in the office of the 
>Susan Petersen
>Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
>by: Sandra Crooks, Deputy
>Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
>APPROVED:					, Chair
>ATTEST:					, Deputy Clerk

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