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Re: Deputy Tim...

At 01:03 PM 8/20/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>E. O'Daniel
>>law student
>        You relate an interesting anecdote and some disturbing littering
>behavior, however, my "beef" is with your characterization of one
>exhibiting such behavior. You wrote:
>>My beef with Moscow/Latah county would have to do with certain LEOs.
>>...Lots of individuals, not all, become LEO's to make up for some
weakness of
>        As one who became "Leo" from my parents at birth, I've never heard
>the name associated with such bad behavior, except for some historical
>character. Perhaps you watch different movies or videos than I.
>        Anyway, Erik, I think you do the Leos of the world a disservice
>with such a stereotyping sentence. After living with it well over a half a
>century, I kind of like the name --- actually.
>                 (:-)           .... Leo Ames, Moscow.

I thought I would keep out of this, but now I realize there is more at
stake.  I recently celebrated my birthday on August 11.  Therefore, I am
also a Leo (although my name is Bob).  Leo's are noted for a number of
character traits such as pushiness, arrogance, exceedingly high
self-confidence, a desire to be in the limelight, etc.  But I have never
heard any astrologer state that Leo's have "weakness of character."

About the incident that occurred between the initiator of this dialog and
the LEO, was that at the accident that resulted in one woman being killed,
her husband being seriously injured, and a 19-year-old boy being seriously
banged up?  Now I know that three hours is a long time to wait to get
through an accident scene, but can you imagine these emergency personnel
dealing with all that blood, gore, pain, wrecked vehicles, etc., only to
have a bunch of rubberneckers (who apparently haven't seen enough episodes
of "Cops" on TV) get out and come strolling around?  If I arrived at such a
scene, I would ask myself several questions:

1) Am I an emergency medical technician or other disaster relief-type
2) Do I have any medical/first aid experience, AND could I be of help on
the scene?
3) Am I a member of the press?

If my answer to all of these questions is "No," then I have no business
getting near the accident.  It was literally a matter of life and death.
Some lived, some died.  What is personal curiosity worth in the equasion?
If I am administering first aid or using the "Jaws of Life" to tear off a
car door, the last thing I need is someone getting in the way or
scrutinizing me as I do my job.

Maybe the "Law Student" hasn't had a class yet where they discuss police
powers at accident and crime scenes.  If I had to be gruff to maintain the
security of such a scene, I wouldn't think twice.  Expedience is the goal.
Life and death are more important than a rubbernecker's tender feelings.

Robert Hoffmann                      115 N. Jackson St., Suite D
Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA            Phone: (208) 883-0642
	             Fax:   (208) 883-8545

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