Re: Deputy Tim...
>E. O'Daniel
>law student
You relate an interesting anecdote and some disturbing littering
behavior, however, my "beef" is with your characterization of one
exhibiting such behavior. You wrote:
>My beef with Moscow/Latah county would have to do with certain LEOs.
>...Lots of individuals, not all, become LEO's to make up for some weakness of
As one who became "Leo" from my parents at birth, I've never heard
the name associated with such bad behavior, except for some historical
character. Perhaps you watch different movies or videos than I.
Anyway, Erik, I think you do the Leos of the world a disservice
with such a stereotyping sentence. After living with it well over a half a
century, I kind of like the name --- actually.
(:-) .... Leo Ames, Moscow.
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