Moscow Pool
Dear Visionaries,
The Pool construction committee has another marathoner last Monday...five
hours with the architects/pool designers and basic directions refined,
reconfirmed, and cussed and discussed.
The big approval point is upon us. The plans will go to the City COuncil on
Monday night for our collective approval and moving to the next phase for
the bid documents. Quite a bit of good news has come from this committee:
two tanks to maximize usefulness of the entire system
an emphasis on "Pacific Northwest" design elements rather than early
plastic fantastic
exceptionally good connections with the arts comission and the
artistic community to emphasize opportunities for inclusion of local art
works in the project.
High consciousness of the integration of the site and the facility
with the surrounding neighborhood...including sound reduction efforts,
careful design treatment and placement of the slide, landscaping, placement
of the pool house, and related items.
This will be a good time to come and take a look at the pool progress...and
if there is something that catches your fancy as a great feature or reviles
you in the extreme, we need to know now because THIS IS IT! The Pool
Construction Committee has appreciated the input of the public at the June
24 helped shape the decisions that produced the design that's
going to the council Monaday.
Monday night at the CIty COuncil meeting, 7:30 P.M. in the COuncil Chambers,
Third and Washington.
Be there or be square...
All the best,
Linda Pall
City Council Member
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