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On and off the Chipman Trail

Whenever I get the chance, I've been riding to work at WSU on the Chipman
Trail.  Every time I do, I marvel at the vision and effort it took to bring
this great project into being.  It is truly a delight to ride.

Can anyone tell me the status of the access point just south of the airport
road (which leads up to campus)?  The signs are very clear that the owner
of the property adjoining the trail does not want bicyclists getting on and
off the trail there.  I'm able to leave the trail about 200 yards to the
east, and finish up on the highway, but it's scary being back on the road
during rush hour again.

Can we do anything to change this property owner's mind about letting us
use 10 yards of his / her driveway?

--Priscilla Salant

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