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There is another way to show your support for human rights and voice your 
opposition to hate groups such as the Aryan Nations.  On Saturday, the Latah 
County Human Rights Task Force is sponsoring Hands Against Hate at the Moscow 
Farmers Market from 9  to 11:30 AM.  You can wtite a message or just sign your 
name to a paper hand and attach it to the chain of hands at Friendship Square.  
You can also made a donation or pledge of money per minute of the Aryan Nation 
march.  The money will go to support human rights here and in Kootenai County.

Mary Jo Hamilton
WSU Monoclonal Antibody Center
Washington State University 
Pullman WA 99164-7040 USA
Phone:  509-335-6058
FAX:  509-335-8328

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