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Fwd: BOCC Proceedings for week of 7/6/98

>From Mon Jul 13 13:54:44 1998
>Received: from brad ( []) by (8.8.7/8.7.3) with SMTP id NAA01828; Mon, 13 Jul 1998 
13:57:40 -0700 (PDT)
>Priority: Normal
>To: Bill London <>,
>        Carol in Planning & Building <>,
>        Louise Barber <>,
>        sally fredericks <>,
>        Tom Trail <>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>From: Board of Commissioners <>
>Subject: BOCC Proceedings for week of 7/6/98
>Date: Mon, 13 Jul 98 13:00:42 PDT
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; X-MAPIextension=".TXT"
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>Week of July 6, 1998
>Commissioners Harry DeWitt, Thomas L. Spangler and Loreca J. 
>Stauber met in regular session.  The following actions were taken:
>Signed and Filed Commissioners' Proceedings for the Week of June 
>29, 1998.
>Approved, Signed and Filed successful completion of three year 
>employment increment and subsequent pay increase for Sandra R. 
>Johnson, Secretary/Data Entry Technician.  Table of Organization 
>Disaster Services/Noxious Weed department 09, line 03.  Effective 
>August 1, 1998.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request to hire Donald Tyler, Reserve 
>Deputy.  Table of Organization Sheriff's Reserves department 04F, line 
>01.  Effective June 26, 1998.
>Approved, Signed and Filed successful completion of two year 
>employment increment and subsequent pay increase for Lynda S. 
>Johnson, Legal Secretary, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney's department 
>07, line 07.  Effective June 1, 1998.
>Motion and Order to approve the Chair's signature on the grant 
>application for the Summer Camp Grant Proposal for at risk youth, 
>Youth Services will administer grant.
>Motion and Order to authorize the Chair's signature on Memorandum of 
>Agreement between  Kendrick School District 283 and Latah County 
>Youth Services receipt of tabacco tax monies by School District.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for tuition aid to North Idaho 
>College by Joshua Wolcott.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order to grant tax 
>on parcel number M 1030 001 013A pursuant to Idaho Code 63-602D 
>for Gritman Medical Center property.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order to grant tax 
>on parcel number PPB 217 for 1998 pursuant to Idaho Code 63-602D 
>on medical equipment leased to Gritman Medical Center from Copeko 
>Capital, Inc.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order to grant tax 
>for 1998 on leased medical equipment for Gritman Hospital on parcel 
>number PPC 234.  The 1998 value shall be $66,938 pursuant to Idaho 
>Code 63-602D. 
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order to sustain the 
>assessed value on parcel numbers MH 16CT 0000 4A and MH 15CT 
>0000 8A owned by Brent Loney.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order to reduce the value 
>on parcel number M0040 002 0003A to $647,100 reflecting the new 
>capitalization rate of 10.3%, for Santorini Properties owned by Richard 
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order to reduce the value 
>on parcel number M0040 002 003B to $431,400., reflecting the new 
>capitalization rate of 10.3%, for RSL Tuck Properties, Inc. owned by 
>Richard Tuck.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order to reduce the value 
>on parcel number RP0 1865 0000 020A based on a Class 5 rather than 
>a Class 6 designation resulting in a value of $156,714. owned by 
>Ronald Munn and Connie Robertson.
>Motion and Order to find that the County Clerk contacted five 
>architectural agencies for proposals regarding a District Court 
>that the Clerk received back one written response from Don L. Bott, 
>N.C.A.R.B. Architect; we authorize that Don L. Bott serve as the 
>architect for this project.  No actual work will begin without the 
>authorization of the Board of County Commissioners.  Commissioners 
>Spangler and DeWitt voted in favor.  Commissioner Stauber voted not 
>in favor.
>Convened in Executive Session at 10:00 a.m. on July 7, 1998, to 
>discuss litigation, pursuant to Idaho Code Sec. 67-2345 (1)(d); 
>adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
>Motion and Order to authorize the Chair's signature on the lease 
>agreement between Latah County and Johnson Trucking Service, Inc. 
>for use of a building located at 2922 S. Hwy 95, Moscow, by the 
>county owned by Johnson Trucking. 
>Verbal unanimous vote to close the Motor Pool Lease / Improvements 
>Quotes discussions and the matter be closed.  Minutes on file in 
>Auditor's office.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order to sustain the value 
>on parcel number RP 39N 05W 168 480 owned by Gary B. O'Keefe
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order to reassess parcel 
>number RP 41X 03W 35 0625 as timberland category owned by 
>Bennett Lumber Products, Inc.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order to sustain the 
>assessed value on parcel number RP 41N 04W 0195 42A owned by 
>Bennett Lumber Products, Inc.
>Convened in Executive Session at 9:01 a.m. on July 8, 1998, to 
>discuss records that are exempt from public inspection, indigent cases, 
>pursuant to Idaho Code Sec. 67-2345 (1)(d); adjourned at 9:37 a.m.; 
>eleven (11) cases approved and no cases denied.
>Held a public hearing at 10:30 a.m. on July 8, 1998 to take testimony 
>and consider a request by Paul and Shirley Kramer for a rezone from 
>Agriculture/Forestry (A/F) to Rural Residential-3 acre minimum (RR-3), 
>on a 11.72 acre parcel.  The parcel is located on the south side of 
>Sand Road, approximately 1 = miles southwest of the city of Moscow, 
>in Section 25, Township 39 North, Range 6 West, B.M., in Latah 
>County, deliberations set for July 20, 1988 at 11:00 a.m.  Minutes and 
>tape are on file in the Auditor's office.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order to adjust the value 
>parcel number RPM 0325 003 003B to $177,137 owned by Nicholas 
>and Julie Holt.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order to revalue the 
>following parcels: MH 27CT 0000 AA at $6,608; MH 27CT 0000 BA at 
>$8,632; MH 27CT 0000 NA at $5,309; MH 27CT 0000 OA at $7,529; 
>MH 27CT 0000 YA at $3,535 and MH 27CT 0000 ZA at $2,550.
>Approved, Signed and Filed Conflict Public Defender hours for D. Ray 
>Barker for the month of June 1998.
>All documents are available for inspection in the office of the 
>Susan Petersen
>Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
>by: Sandra Crooks, Deputy
>Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
>APPROVED:	, Chair
>ATTEST:		,Deputy Clerk

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