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Re: Parking

Have you noticed that when you walk or ride a bike, you are much more in
contact with things around you - the community, people, yards, changes, etc-
than when driving a car? Even riding a bus allows one to connect  to people.

I'd like to see the need for transportation balanced by the need for

By the way, are we concerned only about how things are during our lifetime,
or are we also concerned about how things will be for our children and
grandchildren (or our neighbors children and grandchildren)?

Ron Force wrote:

> The Spring 1998 Fresman Satisfaction Survey at UI showed that as a
> source of dissatisfaction, "parking availablity" was second only to
> "computer response time".
> --
> ***********************************************************************
> Ron Force                     
> Dean of Library Services                (208) 885-6534
> University of Idaho                     Moscow 83844
> ************************************************************************

Melodie Armstrong
108 S. Howard
Moscow, ID 83843

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