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Re: Parking

Good point, Tom.  I was thinking of starting off with something fairly small
but tangible, such as controlling the parking situation around MHS and
downtown.  I feel that this is something in which students particularly have
a stake; they need to be heavily involved in coming up with a solution.
Wouldn't the larger, more important issues you mention flow naturally out of
examining the parking problem?  Lori  

>Lori, thanks for bringing this up.  I like the idea of a "summit" on this
>issue, however, I would like us to avoid calling it a "parking summit".
>Again, the focus needs to get away from parking per se, and hinge more on
>how people are transporting themselves in the first place.  If we start off
>by talking about where we park our cars, then we are starting by asking a
>question several steps down the line in our transportation decision making.
>such a summit could include discussions on:   a transit system for Moscow,
>bike facilities, sidewalks, and yes, parking among other things.
>>I would like to add a small suggestion to the debate on parking problems
>>around MHS and the downtown area.  How about a "Parking Summit", with heavy
>>involvement of students, people who work in the downtown area, and business
>>owners, etc. to look at the problems we face during the 9 months of the year
>>when school is is session.
>>As a result, I can imagine a commitment by those who live within a mile or
>>two of the High School and downtown to walk, bike, skate, ski, etc. to
>>school or work at least one day during the week.  Call me a dreamer!  Hey,
>>it would solve the parking problem and make us all so much more healthy.
>>Lori Keenan
>>Lori Keenan, Director
>>Latah County Library District
>>110 S. Jefferson Street
>>Moscow, ID  83843
>>tel: (208)882-3923
>>fax: (208) 882-5098
>Thomas C. Lamar, Executive Director
>Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute
>P O Box 8596; 112 West 4th St; Suite #1
>Moscow ID 83843-1096
>Phone (208)882-1444; Fax (208)882-8029
>Please Note our individual staff email addresses below:
>Thomas C. Lamar, Executive Director:
>Kathleen Lester, Office Manager:
>Laurie Gardes, Financial Manager:
>Adam R. Thornbrough, Watersheds:
>Colette DePhelps, Community Food Systems:
>Jon Barrett, Idaho Smart Growth:
>Elaine Clegg, Idaho Smart Growth:
>Jennifer Bell, Environmental Education:
>Celebrating twelve years of connecting people, place and community.

Lori Keenan, Director
Latah County Library District
110 S. Jefferson Street
Moscow, ID  83843
tel: (208)882-3923
fax: (208) 882-5098

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