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Re: Old High School

Dale Goble  wrote:

> A project may seek to obtain values that are not economic.  For
example, a
> public swimming pool might be constructed to allow its use by a
> range of people (including disabled) while a private swimming pool
> be designed simply to maximize the return on the investment.  

If the investment were to be maximized by the building of entryways
for disabled people, it would be done so by the private sector. 
Disabled people can vote with their dollars, too.  If I want the
maximum number of people to visit my store, swimming pool, etc., I
will make it handicapped accessible.
> Stated differently: dollars are not the only thing that we seek.  We
> also seek community values -- the idea that a public pool ought to be
> accessible to all citizens, for example -- values that are
inadequately if
> at all expressed in dollars.

See above reply, and my previous posting about the unselfishness of
the entrepreneur.
> A contractor for a public project may also have to jump through
> affirmative action hoops because we as a society have concluded that
it is
> important to take steps to change the effects of racist behavior.

"Change the effects of racist behavior"?!?  How does hiring a lesser
qualified person today make up for racism that has happened in the
past and presumably has caused said effects?  All affirmative action
does is institutionalize racism, divide the races, and drive up

Economics lesson:  if there were all these people out there (women,
minorities) who were going unhired for irrational reasons (e.g. racism
and sexism) they'd be inexpensive to hire (they'd have to take what
they could get.)  Companies with shareholders would be obligated to
snatch them up in order to increase their profits.  Privately held
companies would take them, too, to become more competitive. 
Eventually, wages would balance out.

> Dale Goble
> Moscow

:-) Briana

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