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moscow city council july 6 agenda


July 6, 1998	      7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

A.	Approval of Minutes of June 22, 1998.

B.	Request by John and Keith Bieren to Transfer Street Improvement
Requirement to Purchase of Land and Release Security for the Required
Improvement - Dale Pernula
The Bierens entered into a Development Agreement with the City in 1984
regarding required improvements to Myrtle and Nelson Streets which adjoin
their property.  They now wish to transfer the responsibility to install
the improvements to a purchaser of the land and to have the security in the
form of a Certificate of Deposit, released.  A new Development Agreement
would have to be executed before the current agreement is extinguished and
the security is returned.  Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance Committee
July 6, 1998.

ACTION:  Approve enclosed Development Agreement, and after it has been
fully executed, authorize release of security under the 1984 agreement.

C	Bid Results - Lilly Street L.I.D. #125  - Gary Presol
Quad City Construction was the lowest bidder at $43,253.50.  Engineering
estimate was $57,113.60.  Residents without driveway work should expect an
assessment of about $3,400 to $3,600.  The City will incur approximately
$11,900 for participation costs.

ACTION:  Accept low bid, direct staff to prepare contract, and authorize 
Mayor's signature thereon.

D.	Lieuallen Street L.I.D. #124 - Gary Presol
Quad City Construction was the lowest bidder at $31,765.57.  Engineering
estimate was $39,730.48.   Residents without driveway work should expect an
assessment of about $2,700 to $3,000.  The City will incur approximately
$5,400 for participation costs.

ACTION:  Accept low bid, direct staff to prepare contract, and authorize
Mayor's signature thereon.

E.	Request to Overrun Budget for Police Department HVAC Modifications -
Roger Blanchard
The HVAC system in the Police Department is inadequate for performing its
task of heating and cooling the various areas of the Police Department.  Of
particular concern is the dispatch console which blow fuses when the unit
becomes overheated on a warm day because of insufficient cooling.  Repairs
to the system are becoming problematic because the system controls are
obsolete.  In order to upgrade the system, if approved, this year's General
Buildings and Grounds Budget will have to be overrun by $17,136.10.
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee July 6, 1998.

ACTION:  Approve overrun proposal to upgrade the system.

F.	Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order, Kevin  & Cynthia Adams - Dale
The attached written Findings of Fact are based on the oral findings
approved by the Council at the June 22, 1998 meeting.  Reviewed by the
Administrative Committee July 6, 1998.

ACTION:  Approve written Findings of Fact for the Adams appeal.

G.	Itani Lot Division - Dale Pernula
Rafik and Marysue Itani, and Randy and Deena Rauch propose to rearrange lot
lines for three lots located northeast of Sixth Street and Mountain View
Road as shown on the drawing.  The proposal is related to the right-of-way
dedication that allowed Sixth Street to continue to the east of Mountain
View Road.  Reviewed by the Administrative Committee June 29, 1998.

ACTION:  Approve Itani Lot Division.

H.	Briscoe Lot Division - Dale Pernula
Brian and Nikky Briscoe propose to divide a 117' x 100' parcel from a
larger parcel of land located on Lundquist Lane in the Area of City Impact.
 Both resultant lots meet minimum lot width and area requirements of the
R-1 zone, and are served by the Southeast Moscow Sewer District.  Reviewed
by the Administrative Committee June 29, 1998.

ACTION:  Approve Briscoe Lot Division.

I.	Authorize Exercise of Option to Purchase Aquatics Center Property - Gary
J. Riedner
On March 9,1998, the City entered into an Option to Purchase property from
Marjorie A.L. Moehnert, Trust for purposes of eventual park development,
conditioned upon a positive result of a soil analysis.  The soil analysis
was positive and therefore, staff request permission to exercise the Option
to Purchase.

ACTION:  Authorize staff to exercise the option, set closing date, and
authorize the Mayor's signature on necessary documents to consummate the
purchase of the property.

2.	Application for School Resource Partnership Grant - Dan Weaver
The Police Department requests authorization to apply for a grant through
the U.S. Department of Justice, in the amount of $36,953.00.  The grant
will be used to fund a Crime Prevention Specialist who will work in
partnership with the school district in the prevention of drug and alcohol
use on or near school grounds.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance June 29,

ACTION:  Reject grant; or approve and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.

3.	Ordinance Authorizing Bond Sale for Hamilton-Lowe Aquatic Center - Gary
J. Riedner
Ordinance 98-22 authorizes the issuance and sale general obligation bonds
in the amount of $3,275,000 to fund design and construction of the
Hamilton-Lowe Aquatic Center.  Adoption of the ordinance is required to
authorize sale of the bonds.  The ordinance, prepared by Bond Counsel
Michael Moore, also specifies 10:00 AM, August 4, 1998 as the time and date
for the opening of sealed bids for the purchase of the bonds, which shall
be done in a public meeting of the Council at which a quorum must be
present.  The early hour is necessary to make the sale under optimal market

ACTION:  Approve Ordinance 98-22 and authorize Mayor's signature under
suspension of the rules requiring three full and complete readings and read
the ordinance by title only; set special Council meeting for 10:00 a.m.,
August 4, 1998 in the Council Chambers; or take such other action as the
Council deems necessary.

4.	Bid Results Mountain View Storm Sewer - Gary Presol
Bids were opened July 6, 1998, reviewed by Public Works July 6, 1998.  
Results to be presented to Council at July 6 meeting.

ACTION:  Accept bid per recommendation of Public Works Committee, 
or take other action deemed appropriate.

5.	Adopting Changes to Ordinance Composition of Moscow Planning and Zoning
Commission - Randy Fife
The Council originally approved the proposed changes to the Planning and
Zoning Commission in Ordinance 96-07 (4/15/96), but the changes were not
included in the recodification of the Moscow City Code on May 18,1998.  The
purpose of the proposed Ordinance is to correct the error.

ACTION:  Approve Ordinance and authorize Mayor's signature under suspension
of the rules requiring three full and complete readings, and read the
ordinance by title only; or take such other action as the Council deems

6.	1912 Moscow High School/Whitworth Building Status Report - Gary J. Riedner
The City of Moscow has received a response to the question addressed to the
Moscow School District regarding the City 's offer to purchase the 1912
Moscow High School/Whitworth Building.  The School District's response is
summarized in the attached memo.

ACTION:  Accept School District's offer contained in Karen Falke's letter
of June 4, 1998, or reject offer and take other action deemed appropriate.

	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

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