Old High School
The School Board should tell the City Council to forget the old high
school and put it out for bid or on the open real estate market. I have
seen in the paper where people blame the school board for not completing
the transaction. From my viewpoint, it is the City that is the problem.
The City Council agreed to buy the old school on the School Board's
conditions. All of a sudden the City Council seems not willing to abide by
that agreement.
Doing an environmental study of the building will not (or should not )
change the school board's position. Also this is not a matter to be
settled in the courts. The only ones who win in this scenario is the
lawyers. Why spend thousands of dollars to decide this in court. These
are hard earned tax dollars. This affects 2 taxpayer groups, Moscow School
District and Moscow City residents.
This building has been declared worthless. What is the justification for
spending $3 million plus on it. The best thing to do is sell the building
and land "As Is" or tear down the building and build a parking lot for the
high school students.
Make a decision and stop the dancing around. It is high time to stop
wasting tax money and time on this issue.
Mike Sohns
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