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Re: Cranks are always with us

I would say this is true.  If any one out there would like to spend a
little time with a very lonely lady, and hear some very interesting
stories you can find D.B. Hughs in Elk River Idaho.  If she is not at the
Cafe you will find her house directly across the street to the north of
the Cafe.  there will be a yellow or white Cadillac sitting out front, the
filled with papers and other correspondances from around the US.  She may
be quite excentric(sp), but a crank she is not!!!!

  Peace be with you,
  Kay.				Across the wall of the world,
				A River sings a beautiful song.  It says,
				Come, rest here by my side.
						    	-- Maya Angelou

On Sat, 30 May 1998, Don Coombs wrote:

> In regard to D.B. Hughes being reincarnated, I don't think you can be
> reincarnated until after you've stopped cranking.
>                                                     Don Coombs

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