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RE: vision2020 archives

I am taking the liberty of forwarding John Teeter's post to me on to the list.
	Priscilla recently offered my suggestion of eliminating the archives (the
storage of all previous 2020 postings accessible through the website)for
consideration by all of 2020 subscribers.
	Here, John offers yet another option, the moderated archives.
	What do you think of this idea--and does anyone want to be the moderator
who chooses what is retained?

>Return-Path: <>
>X-PH: V4.2@pegasus
>From: John Teeter <>
>Reply-To: "" <>
>To: "'Bill London'" <>
>Subject: RE: vision2020 archives
>Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 19:07:52 -0700
>Organization: First Step Research
>rather than remove the archives entirely, how about a moderated archive
>with an un-moderated list?  That way the steering com. (or designate), could
>"forward" articles for the archives, in effect "publishing" the edited
version.  This
>may seem censorship, but I've found that un-edited/moderated archives fill up
>with 80% noise and 20% good stuff.  No real reason to keep the noise. 
>just a consideration.

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