Re: The 2020 listserve: changes?
Vision 2020
I am not in favor of deleting the archives at all!! I do realize though
that there could be someone who would like to delete what they have
written-some thing said in the heat of the moment and I could accept that
being done, with an apology or explanation to the group. But, if someone
wants someone elses post removed, then they need to contact the person that
wrote it and ask them to have it removed. If they couldn't persuade them,
then it has to stand. I am in favor of the writer removing their own post,
but no one elses. I certainly do not want a censored list. I am capable of
censoring my own mail, and I sometimes do. I trash things that do not have
names, guess that is how I got behind in some of the conversations
previously and I am supposing it will continue to happen.
Mayme Trumble
Mayme Trumble
"The light is reached not by turning back from the darkness, but by going
through it." -- Leonard Roy Frank
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