Re: you got it

Re: you got it

Greg Meyer (
Mon, 18 May 1998 17:45:26 -0700 (PDT)

This is Truly Noteworthy...

You know, I think Jo really DOES have it. In her absence, which I hope is
short-lived but have a feeling is not, let us not be a bit intimidated by
those who believe they are privy to what is "truly noteworthy".

And, speaking of noteworthiness, didn't ANYONE go to the "Enough is Enough"
meeting? Was there a report in the Daily News I missed? Is the Kibbie Dome
rally still a possibility? Will it be a topic at "The Retreat"? How can we
defeat the "Evil" Boise Mayor Brent Coles has exposed if we don't have the
information/righteous weapons needed to do battle? There was so much
anticipation, build-up and expectation.

Forget about cancer, environmental degradation, toxics in our food, unsafe
highways and motor vehicles, unchecked greed and corporate heartlessness.
These aren't "killing our kids" and, according to Larry Craig, neither are
cigarettes. No my friends, Evil is killing our kids.

Greg Meyer

At 05:18 PM 5/16/98 -0700, Jo Williams wrote:
> If you wanted this to be a private list to serve up week old phone scam
>notices, Moscow city council meeting notices, notices concerning posters
>for a community retreat (to discuss issues that could well have been
>discussed here for free) that will be a great day of fun but accomplish
>little else at state expense, you should not have invited the entire
>readership of two newspapers to join.
> Your boorish arrogance is exceeded ONLY by your narrow cultural
>whitebread view of reality. Foolishly, it seems, I assumed that more than
>5 or 6 people on the LONG list of voyeuristic subscribers might have some
>interest in actually verbalizing creative and visionary solutions to long
>standing community problems- or might have new ideas- new directions- new
> But no, this warmed over version of a 1950's Junior League social seeks
>only to validate and preserve it's comfy little status quo. Fine with me;
> I've spent the past 12 years around cattle; I certainly don't want to
>spend any time around........sheep.
> Color me OUTTA HERE!.
> Jo Williams

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