Steve Cooke
-----Original Message-----
From: Lori Sodorff []
Sent: Monday, May 18, 1998 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: I'm so confused.....
dear 'gussie'
Thanks for your concern. It was suzan palmer who finally responded to my
post, which she to found in the archives. I actually sent 3 messages
asking for assitance.
I was beginning to wonder...perhaps no one is responding because they
think that if they just ignore me and don't respond that I will go away
but, guess again.
As for whther or not this list is censored the answer is no. However,
there are those who would rather not hear things that may cause waves.
So some, through direct response do try and censore this list in their own
way with their gently threats and reminders but, "I Shall Not Be Moved".
you may know, from my past posts, that it has been my experience that many
believe that 'rumors' about moscow should not be aired on this list. I
say Hog wash. The best way to put an end to a rumor is to put it out
there for all to see, and believe me it will take no time at all for the
deniles to begin.
I have received many replies in the past telling me that this or that was
not something that should be discussed on this news group, but I have some
news. I am no sheep but, rather a Lion in sheeps clothing and I will
continue to post whatever I want to on this list if I feel that the
community that my grandfather helped to build seems to be in jeopardy.
Any type of jeopardy.
If the people on this list want to continue to live under a rock, you know
who you are, then I could care less but, if you really want to make a
difference then crawl out from under that rock and let the light shine
upon your face. It will be difficult to see at first but things will
begin to clear up and then you will be able to develope a true vision!
I have a dream that one day moscow will once again be the community it
once was. In order for that to happen then the people of the people, by
the people, and for the people need to stand up and be noticed. Take a
stand for your children and there future. A stand for equal treatment for
all, a stand for equal justice for all. That means changes in the very
core of what makes moscow tick such as changes in the:
Justice (ha ha) System
Juvenille Justice (ha ha) System
Equal Opportunity (ha ha) Public Education System
I once took a Poli. Sci. class where I heard that the reason people do not
get involved in politics is because of 3 basic reasons:
Lack of education
Lack of Money
The feeling that one voice does not make a difference
Where then do the rock dwellers and ney sayers of this group fit in. Are
we poorly educated?
I think not.
Poor in general?
perhaps, but a lame excuse.
Feel your one voice will not make a differenc?
Look at Martin Luther King, Angela Davis, Rosa Parks...Their voices
exacted change!
The difference between them and you. They had nothing to lose. The
changes they made did not come without a price.
what you the community of moscow needs to decide is whether or not you are
willing to pay the price for make changes in your community. Changes that
will bring back the community that used to exist in Moscow. A community
that stands united rather than divided. A community that loves the
unloveable and treats them with the same laws and respect as those we
easily love.
It is time to stop standing idley(sp) by expecting that someone else will
do the right thing, that better someone else makes waves rather than
yourselves. It is time to stop worry what in the sam hill others may
think about your actions. If your actions are done with the belief that
the eventual outcome will be for the good of all then what people think
should not matter.
Perhaps we should be more like Judas, and do things to force, through
trickery, people to reveil themselves and there gifts rather than like
peter who would deny knowing the gift giver at all, not one but three
It is time to stand up and be heard!
If it makes you feel beter to deny there are wrong doings happening in
Moscow I could give a flip, but if you are not brave enough to get
involved and refuse to see the light hiding in the shadows then you have
no right to chastise or complain.
rather like voting. If you do not vote then what gives you the right to
complain about how things are being done.
To those of you out there who are unfraid to make waves and believe that
change is necessary...kudos, we are allies. We may believe there are
different methods that may be used to exact those changes, but never the
less we believe! UNITED WE STAND! divided we fall.
Peace be with you,
Kay. Across the wall of the world,
A River sings a beautiful song. It says,
Come, rest here by my side.
-- Maya Angelou