Re: Lets get those wheels rolling

FaircoMiniMart (
Tue, 14 Apr 98 08:02:37 PDT

Don......The skateboard park collection can on my counter is having coins=
and bills (green ones) dropped in it all the time. The young people tha=
t brought in the can even wrote me a thank you note for "allowing" them =
to place their donation can here.

The students have been polite and excited about "their" project. My staf=
f and I have fed the can a little, too. I have not heard how much has =
been raised by their efforts. Fairco would gladly make a poster to show =
the goal and the rate of success if someone would share the information =
with us.
Judi Thompson

Fairco MiniMart
Quality Conoco Gasolines
Laser Touch Carwash
Idaho State Fish and Game Vendor
Locally owned and operated
