I do think, however, that had the swimming pool committee itself worked to
reach consensus, what would have emerged would have been a plan that would
have been less divisive. My understanding (from a member of the pool
committee) is that while committee members agreed to back the final plan
100% rather than present a divided stand, the final plan was determined by a
"majority vote" rather than by consensus.
YOu can't fault the community for not agreeing 100% with the committee when
not even all the committee members agreed with the final plan.
I'm just coming off serving on a jury, but that hasn't been my only
experience with decision-making by consensus. It's a much longer process,
but in the end, everyone feels they have been heard and their needs taken
into consideration.
Lois Melina
Editor, "Adopted Child" newsletter
P.O. Box 9362
Moscow ID 83843
phone: (208)882-1794
fax: (208)883-8035