Re: Moscow's proposed swimming pool

Re: Moscow's proposed swimming pool

Charles Harris (
Mon, 23 Mar 1998 12:44:40 PST

I agree with Tom, and with Steve McGeehan, the Pool Committee rep who
also is Pres. of the Moscow Swim Team and whose opinions (he
originally wanted an indoor pool) changed 180 degrees after looking
at the entire situation. Still, I don't disagree that a well-done
survey (not one with a 50% response rate, which likely is
significantly biased) should be done to learn the preferences of
Moscow's citizens on the indoor vs. outdoor issue.

Chuck Harris

> Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 09:01:56 -0800 (PST)
> To:
> From: Tom Lamar <>
> Subject: Re: Moscow's proposed swimming pool
> Cc:

> On the outdoor vs. indoor pool arguement:
> If we didn't already have an indoor, 12-month pool facility with two 25
> yard pools available for public use in Moscow, I would agree with the
> argument that the Gormley pool should be replaced by an indoor pool. But
> there is an excellent indoor pool facility available, and what is lacking
> in Moscow is an outdoor pool.
> I disagree with the position that an indoor pool would be a better "value"
> than an outdoor pool. While it is true that an indoor pool would be open
> every month of the year, I don't believe it is true that it would get the
> same kind of traffic that an outdoor pool would get, particularly in the
> summer. With an indoor pool in Moscow, mostly we would get some of the
> people who swim at the UI pool now. As a year 'round swimmer, I don't
> currently see the need for another indoor pool in Moscow. This could
> change in the future with changing populations or policies at the UI, but
> that is not our current situation.
> There were also some pool management issues raised. The Gormley pool was
> cold, and was also managed as a "city pool". I think we could do much
> better and keep the facility open longer with better equipment, better
> scheduling and more interest in swimming activities.

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